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I think it helps to know a little bit about the designer behind the designs, particularly of a small, local label. So here's a little more about me.

What's your favourite movie?

Who even has one answer to this question? I have a list of my Top 10 favourite movies, with a couple sitting on the periphery. I probably don't have very good 'taste' in movies, and I prefer to rewatch movies I already know. Treading the path of the familiar I guess is a little bit people wearing the same clothes every day, or eating the same food. It gives me mental space for other things. Although, that said, the recent version of Dune was extraordinary. It has been on my mind every few days since I watched it. Denis Villeneuve's vision and execution left me breathless.

And 50% of my Top 10 feature Hugo Weaving. Incidentally, not deliberately. In no particular order:

  • Lord of the Rings (all three)
  • The Matrix (only the first one)
  • V for Vendetta
  • Singing in the Rain
  • North by Northwest
  • Strictly Ballroom
  • The Dressmaker
  • Sense and Sensibility (Emma Thompson of course)
  • John Wick (the first one, but that's nothing against the others)


This is a question I feel even less equipped to answer. I think I'd rather list artists that have had a powerful impact on my life and whose pieces create a visceral reaction whenever I view them.

Olive Cotton for sure - her Teacup Ballet remains one of my favourite images ever. Her pieces are not nearly as well known as Max Dupain's but I believe they are no less iconic.

I went to Art College for half a minute and I remember studying Wassily Kandinsky. His dynamic and challenging compositions, and his role in progressing abstraction was quite powerful.

Emily Kngwarreye's artworks are extraordinary. The way she expresses country, her 'yam' series and her commitment to colour are so powerful. And she produced most of her work in the last decade of her life. If you don't know her pieces, your life is missing them.

And I love Instagram for introducing me to so many brilliant Australian artists I wouldn't otherwise be exposed to: Ali McNabney-Stevens, Kate Pittas, Jess Cochrane, Kerry Armstrong.

(And in case you're missing the subtext above, there's only 1 male listed among the 7 artists I list).


Christian Lacroix couture remains a crazy, over-the-top favourite. It makes me sad his label hasn't continued. The absolute overload makes my heart sing. There's lots of other designers I appreciate for different reasons, but it's Lacroix I remain convinced is my spirit made couture-flesh.

Victoria Beckham - I love her vision, her understanding of her customer and her willingness to refine and pivot.

Giambattista Valli - frou frou colour. Need I say more?

Iris van Herpen - Extraordinary vision. Extraordinary construction

Dries van Noten - For more than 20 years I have loved Dries pieces, especially his fabrications and prints. I have a magazine tear of a Dries dress from 15 years ago as a talisman for great colour and print in clothes.


I first fell in love with fashion design through the House of Elliot tv show. It's very drama filled, but the ability to create garments at scale was an eye-opener for me. I went to Art College and then switched to Fashion College. After I graduated I worked as a footwear designer and learnt a lot about the commerciality of design here. I designed footwear for the three house brands at Mathers and it was a great grounding to understanding the importance of customers, reporting and good planning. And while I haven't worked commercially in design in two decades, I have kept my hand and eye in. I had a hand-painted silk label for a while, and I have a range of stainless steel jewellery. And of course I still pattern make and sew for myself, just not as much as I would like!

You're inspired a lot by flowers. Do you have a favourite flower?

That's a much bigger question than you realise. I really do love them all! But my go-tos are peonies and dahlias. Extraordinary flowers, both of them.


I am a very excitable person (you should see me watching sport) but more than excitement, it's things of wonder I am drawn to. I keep a list in my phone of things of wonder, and these are some of them:

  • the most amazing colours of sunset from my kitchen window
  • wind and rain at dusk - always the wind and the possibility it blows in, and summer rain and cool temperatures is still a novelty
  • the delight of flowers bobbing in the breeze
  • candle flame dancing in the softest breeze
  • the extraordinary colours of fresh beetroot, reds, whites and yellows in explosions of lines
  • the colours of flowers and fruit at the green grocer
  • a cool change after the heat is a reset for the day and the moment
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